BST Online New Auction Form

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Auction Information
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I would like to keep my auction open for (required)
Category:Please select ONE & only ONE of the following categories
Audio Stereo Equipment
Books, Movies, Music
Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles
Computer Hardware
Computer Software
Decorative, Kitchenware, Pottery
Electronics & Appliances
Musical Instruments
Office Equipment
Science Fiction
Sporting Goods
Trading Cards
Product Condition
Select the condition of your product.
Product Picture
Enter the URL of your picture here. If you would like to post a picture but do not have an URL, BST Online can host the picture for you for an additional charge of $5/- only.
Product Warranty
If you do provide a warranty on your product, please select one. The warranty makes your product attractive to buyers. You can further explain your warranty in item description.
Minimum Bid
$each (required)
(Numerals and decimal point "." only. For example, 10.00)
Minimum Bid is the price at which the auction will start. This is the lowest price at which you would like to sell your item. Generally, people are more likely to buy the lowest price item. Do NOT enter currency symbols or any special character.
Bidding Increments
(Numerals and decimal point "." only. For example, 2.00)
The bidding price will advance based on Bidding Increments between bids. For example, if the minimum bidding price is 8.00 and the bidding increments are 2.00, the first bid will be 8.00, the second 10.00, the third 12.00 and so on.
Reserve Price
(Numerals and decimal point "." only. For example, 10.00)
If you want to start the bidding at a lower price than you are willing to sell the item, please enter the Reserve Price as the price you will sell the item. There will be an indicator showing the presence of a Reserve Price. It may not be a very popular option among bidders.
Product Quantities
(Numerals only for example 2)
For more than one quantity, Bidders will have a choice of requesting for one or more items.
Shipping Location
Select the state from where this Auction is being posted. If your state does not appear here, please choose OTHER and enter the name of your state here
Shipping Responsibility
Someone should be resposible for transporting the item to highest bidder. Please select the appropriate choice. It is important to select the correct one as the choice may affect the price of the item.
Shipping Cost
(Numerals and decimal point "." only. For example, 10.00)
You may leave it blank if you as a sellar will incur the transport cost.
Accepted Payment Methods (choose as many as apply)  
Money Order/Cashiers Check Personal Check Visa/MasterCard
COD (collect on delivery) American Express
See Item Description Other Discover
Private Sale (For an additional fee)
To add the product into a Private Sale, check here
If it is your first Private Sale, please choose a name for your Private Sale
Keywords (Upto 5 searchable words to represent your auction)   (Click for examples)
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Keywords are the important words. They should represent your auction. Our search engines will find your auction based on these keywords. One word per box please.
Auction Title (Upto 50 characters)
Auction Title will be displayed as auction summary. Please use the words carefully as these words will lure the customers to see rest of your auction. Please include most important and related words of your auction here. It does not have to be a full sentence.
Brief Description
You may use the HTML language and links to your images. Please try to make the description as clear as possible to avoid any mis-understanding to the bidder.